BLTN supports ITNv2 on Rust, here is why…

2ⁿᵈ Layer
2 min readJun 25, 2020


We as a company have operated 2 stake-pools on Shelley Incentivized Testnet, both with ticker BLTN, however with slightly different fee models, one charged 10% variable fee (we refer to it as #BLTNA) and the other 10% + 258 ADA fixed fee, this one we call #BLTNB for now, but is the true #BLTN.

We do plan on running a pool on Haskell mainnet, but on current testnet the implemnetation of consensus, or rather reward sharing scheme is a different from mainnet. We do support transformation of Shelley Incentivized Testnet into Cardano Intentivized Testnet, more permanenet one. However we also look for maximal value capture and minimal value errosion from this move…

Due to these reasons, we would like the ITNv2 to be modified in this way:
- some “Pledge Influence Factor” a0 to be enabled and set to value greater than 0
- the ability for pool operators to change the pool fee, this was in the original ITNv1 enabled only for short period of time, and due to slow updates removed without enabling pools to actually change the fees, this is a property that will be available to stake-pools on the mainnet
- k, the amount of pools the system is supposed to converge to with at least 50% of overall delegated stake, currently is is set to 100 while we used a 1k for a marketing for a long time, I don’t think thats financially sustainable in a long run on the ITNv2 so I would increase the k only into 200–350 range…
- slot-battles for VRF (Verifiable Random Function) needs to be mitigated as they will be on the mainnet to discourage physical centralization of stake-pools

These changes outlined above, even if 1 tADA = 10% of ADA would make number between 500–700 of stake-pools with delegations would be sustainable, or at a little profit.

With this Rust testnet, we could implement Non-Interactive Proofs-of-Proof of Stake as described in the IOHK paper from 2018, we are opposed to trying to get the token listed on the exchange, however we know, we as involved community are unable to prevent them from doing so, if they wish…

There are many things that could be tested faster on the Rust testnet, and PolderCast as a P2P pub/sub enables transformation of many centralized services today into distributed, blockchain-powered services cheaper and more private…

If such distributed applications are developed on Cardano Incentivized Testnet, they can be developed for the mainnet in a little incentivized testing bed, for early ICO / STO offering that happened on the mainnet, see rapid development on Cardano Incentivized Testnet and wait for final delivery on the mainnet while being a community tester of sorts.

This functionality alone would provide tremendous value Cardano ecosystem as a whole…



2ⁿᵈ Layer

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