We supported and so we did

2ⁿᵈ Layer
2 min readJan 9, 2021


In a prior post, we have noted that we support ITN extention and why, basically CF decided that the extention is not going to take place by voting with 50% of their stake, thus preventing the vote to reach required quorum.

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

We’ve put together a group of SPOs and continued the ITN promising rewards in a form of dCloud Governance Tokens to participants, about 120 SPOs participated in the extepiment and will be rewarded with small amount of tokens for each block they produced during the ITN, let me note that 0 PCT did not participate…

It will be up to the SPOs what they do with the rewards, some, running in cloud may decide to distribute them among their delegates, some may join the dCloud Service Provider community and need those tokens as a pledge…

We have a community of about 20 dCloud early development community memmbers, and 5 servers running the dCloud testnet, to model the economics for being a dCloud Service Provider. We also have one part-time Rust developer working on Rust Cardano Ouroboros Networking implementation, which would be powering dCloud relay nodes to increase the level of annonymity and by employing Tor, whils experimenting also with QUIC, and PolderCast that is still being worked on by Nicolas Di Prima for his own project (not blockchain related) with whom we sync from time to time, but he DID NOT leave IOG to work for us… as some indicated on social media…

I condider his project interesting, I consider his project interesting, so we found a functional requirements overlap… As I have learned about his project, he learned about my project, and said that he does not see it compeeting with Cardano in a way that many community members indicated.

Kyle from FROG pool recently Tweeted Call To Action to delegate to those who do and not to only those who talk… I just wanted to let the community that we DO, it may not not be visible to everyone in the community… because we work on fundamental infrastructure, not user-facing interfaces… those, such as CNCLI use our work, and contribute to our work…

With that said, I would like to say, that we work with DOLCA Stake Pool, for strategic reasons, and there is plenty of staking room left…



2ⁿᵈ Layer
2ⁿᵈ Layer

Written by 2ⁿᵈ Layer

Building weapons in cyber-space to compete with both BigTech and Government, decentalized and distributed on top of Cardano Blockchain…

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